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We only Champion the best soybean seed traits and genetics

We always Champion your success.

Soybean field stretching into the horizon

How do we select soybean seed varieties with the best genetics and traits?

When we select soybean seed varieties, first and foremost, we look for stress tolerance. When growing conditions get tough, rest assured your bean yields will outperform others in your area (unless they’re planting Champion Seed, too). Second, disease pressure resistance. When disease infiltrates your soybean fields, the right traits are your first and strongest line of defense.

Take some time to browse through our online soybean seed catalog or view our yield results. Then contact your local Champion Seed dealer when you’re ready to select soybean seed varieties with zone-level precision.

Learn more about Elevate soybean seed treatment

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Filter by Maturity
Variety Trait Relative Maturity Standability IDC WM SDS High Fertility Marginal Soil Narrow Rows No-Till Irrigation  
0123XL XFLEX Roundup Ready 2 XtendFlex .00 8 8 6 NA HR HR R HR HR
00643XL XFLEX Roundup Ready 2 XtendFlex .06 7 7 7 NA HR HR HR HR HR
00704EN ENLIST Enlist .07 9 7 8 NA HR R HR R HR
00803E ENLIST Enlist .08 8 7 8 NA HR R HR HR HR
009X90 XTEND Roundup Ready 2 Xtend .09 7 7 6 NA R HR HR HR NR
0143EN ENLIST Enlist .10 7 7 5 NA HR HR HR R HR
0294XL XFLEX Roundup Ready 2 XtendFlex .20 8 5 8 NA HR HR HR HR HR
0354EN ENLIST Enlist .30 8 7 7 NA HR HR HR R HR
03X30N XTEND Roundup Ready 2 Xtend .30 7 9 7 NA HR HR HR HR HR
0403EN ENLIST Enlist .40 8 5 7 NA HR HR R HR HR
0444XL XFLEX Roundup Ready 2 XtendFlex .40 8 6 6 8 HR HR HR HR HR
0494EN ENLIST Enlist .40 7 7 7 NA HR R R R HR
0563XL XFLEX Roundup Ready 2 XtendFlex .50 7 6 5 NA R HR NR HR R
0572EN ENLIST Enlist .50 7 7 6 NA R HR HR HR R
0574EN ENLIST Enlist .50 7 7 6 NA HR HR HR HR HR
0624XL XFLEX Roundup Ready 2 XtendFlex .60 7 6 6 NA HR HR HR HR HR
0643EN ENLIST Enlist .60 7 5 5 NA HR R NR R HR
0743XL XFLEX Roundup Ready 2 XtendFlex .70 7 7 7 NA HR HR R HR HR
0784EN ENLIST Enlist .70 6 8 5 6 R HR HR HR R
0944EN ENLIST Enlist .90 8 6 6 6 HR HR HR HR HR
0961XL XFLEX Roundup Ready 2 XtendFlex .90 7 7 7 5 HR HR R HR HR
0990EN ENLIST Enlist .90 7 6 6 7 HR HR R R HR
1033EN ENLIST Enlist 1.00 6 6 5 7 R HR R R R
1134XL XFLEX Roundup Ready 2 XtendFlex 1.10 9 7 8 8 HR R HR R HR
1333EN ENLIST Enlist 1.30 7 7 6 7 R HR R HR R
1393XL XFLEX Roundup Ready 2 XtendFlex 1.30 8 7 7 7 HR HR R HR HR
1572EN ENLIST Enlist 1.50 8 7 7 8 R HR R HR R
1721XL XFLEX Roundup Ready 2 XtendFlex 1.70 7 7 6 6 R HR R R R
1731EN ENLIST Enlist 1.70 8 8 8 7 HR R HR HR R
1833EN ENLIST Enlist 1.80 6 6 6 8 NR HR R R R
1934XL XFLEX Roundup Ready 2 XtendFlex 1.90 9 7 7 7 HR R HR R R
1994EN ENLIST Enlist 1.90 8 7 7 8 HR R HR HR HR
204E ENLIST Enlist 2.00 8 7 7 7 HR HR HR R R
2093EN ENLIST Enlist 2.00 7 8 7 8 HR R R HR HR
2143XL XFLEX Roundup Ready 2 XtendFlex 2.10 7 7 7 7 HR R HR R R
214XL XFLEX Roundup Ready 2 XtendFlex 2.10 9 7 7 7 HR R HR R HR
2173EN Enlist Enlist 2.10 6 7 6 7 R HR R R R
2174EN ENLIST Enlist 2.10 8 7 7 6 R HR HR R R
2213XL XFLEX Roundup Ready 2 XtendFlex 2.20 7 6 6 6 R HR R R R
2242EN ENLIST Enlist 2.20 8 8 7 8 HR R HR HR HR
224E ENLIST Enlist 2.20 8 8 7 8 HR HR HR HR R
2259CP CONV Conventional 2.20 7 8 7 7 HR R R R R
2399EN ENLIST Enlist 2.30 8 8 7 8 HR HR HR HR R
2434EN ENLIST Enlist 2.40 7 6 6 7 HR R R R HR
2462XL XFLEX Roundup Ready 2 XtendFlex 2.40 7 7 7 7 R R HR R R
253E ENLIST Enlist 2.50 7 7 6 8 HR R R HR HR
2550CN CONV Conventional 2.50 7 7 7 7 HR R R R R
2631EN ENLIST Enlist 2.60 8 6 5 7 HR HR HR HR R
2663XL XFLEX Roundup Ready 2 XtendFlex 2.60 7 6 6 7 HR R R R R
2783EN ENLIST Enlist 2.70 7 7 6 6 R HR HR R HR
2834EN ENLIST Enlist 2.80 7 7 6 7 HR R HR R HR
2894XL XFLEX Roundup Ready 2 XtendFlex 2.80 8 7 7 7 HR R R HR R
294E ENLIST Enlist 2.90 7 6 6 8 R HR R R R
3013XL XFLEX Roundup Ready 2 XtendFlex 3.00 7 6 7 7 NR HR HR R R
3074EN ENLIST Enlist 3.00 7 6 6 6 R HR HR R R
3133EN ENLIST Enlist 3.10 8 6 6 6 R HR R R R
3234EN ENLIST Enlist 3.20 7 6 6 7 R HR R R R
324E ENLIST Enlist 3.20 8 6 6 7 HR HR HR HR R
3262XL XFLEX Roundup Ready 2 XtendFlex 3.20 8 6 6 7 R R HR R R
333XL XFLEX Roundup Ready 2 XtendFlex 3.30 8 7 6 8 HR R R HR R
3372EN ENLIST Enlist 3.30 7 7 7 7 HR R HR HR R
3443XL XFLEX Roundup Ready 2 XtendFlex 3.40 7 7 6 8 HR R R HR R
3499EN ENLIST Enlist 3.40 8 6 8 7 HR R HR HR HR
3662XL XFLEX Roundup Ready 2 XtendFlex 3.60 6 6 7 7 NR HR R HR R
3674EN ENLIST Enlist 3.60 6 6 6 8 R HR R HR R
374E ENLIST Enlist 3.70 7 6 6 8 R R R R R
3843EN ENLIST Enlist 3.80 8 6 6 7 HR HR HR HR HR
3933EN ENLIST Enlist 3.90 8 7 6 6 HR R HR R R
4171EN ENLIST Enlist 4.10 7 7 6 7 R R R R R
4211XL XFLEX Roundup Ready 2 XtendFlex 4.20 6 6 6 6 NR HR R HR R
4571EN ENLIST Enlist 4.50 7 7 7 7 R HR R R R

Champion Seed exclusive: Elevate soybean seed treatment

Always innovating, never imitating. We worked in partnership with external seed technology and research companies to develop our own treatment options: Elevate, Elevate VIP and Elevate Select.

Six things to know about elevate, Elevate VIP and Elevate Select

  1. Each package includes four fungicides — one of the included fungicides reduces the incidence of white mold.
  2. Our fungicides provide two modes of action on common soil-borne diseases that cause damping-off (such as Pythium, Fusarium, Rhizochtonia and Phytophthora).
  3. Includes two modes of action on Phomopsis (a common seed-borne disease).
  4. The included liquid polymer reduces “dust-off,” (i.e., helps keep active ingredients on the seed to ensure they reach to the root zone). This polymer also provides better flowability and added safety for users as well as the environment.
  5. These seed treatments are applied with the latest technology in treatment application equipment. This provides uniform coverage and accurate application to every seed.
  6. We don’t cut application rates. We apply the label maximum of every ingredient included in each treatment package.

Additional notes

  1. Elevate and Elevate VIP include up to 45 days of early-season insect control for aphids, bean leaf beetles and many other common pests.
  2. Elevate VIP package includes all of the above plus better performance in fields with a history of soybean cyst nematode and superior Sudden Death Syndrome protection without adding stress to young soybean seedlings.

Ask your Champion Seed dealer for more information about this proprietary product series.

Soybean seed treatment

In our proprietary line of soybean seed treatment offerings, we use only the best platforms with the right balances and blends. And because we never settle, we’ve worked with technology providers to develop our own.

No Effect + Some ++ Good +++ Very Good ++++ Excellent

Soybean Treatment Options

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