At Champion Seed, we pride ourselves on our products. Which is why we test hybrids and varieties across thirty locations spanning six states, using multiple soil types and yield environments to see how they perform. We put our products head-to-head with industry leaders and newly developed lines to ensure only the best are offered. Each variety that makes the cut is planted at two to three different zones per plot to reduce any field variability in the small three-to-five-acre test plots.
We take the data collected along with soil type, rainfall, fertility and other aspects into consideration when looking at how products performed and make decisions on where to place those products to get the best yields. Throughout the growing season, we check the plot for agronomic rating adjustments to make sure we are giving them the most accurate ratings in the book. This ensures when growers place these products on the right acres, they perform the way we say they will. After collecting this data and information from the growing season, we dig into what worked and what adjustments need to be made to make our products more successful or bring in new products to help our lineup serve you better.
Along with our research plots, many of our dealers have their own strip trials with multiple products on their acres to put them to the test. This allows them to get a true feel for a product under their local environment and to see it firsthand. After all, if they can’t stand behind a product, how can they stand to sell it? Customers can also use these to gain familiarity with the product in their local geography and yield environment. Competitors and products that growers are currently planting are tested against ours to showcase where our products stand against their current seed company. These dealer plots cover 10 states all the way from Kentucky to North Dakota and Indiana to Colorado, with 183 corn plots and 142 soybean plots. After compiling all the data from these plots there were a few varieties that were a step above the rest.
Soybean results:
- 2242EN from the Enlist trait platform shows tremendous yield consistency from Wisconsin to South Dakota, with an average of 70.1 bushels across all research locations, a true go-anywhere- type of product. This 2.2 maturity soybean has great sudden death syndrome and white mold tolerance, a great combination of agronomics and yield all in one.
- 2462XL coming from the XtendFlex platform showed great potential this year, averaging 68.7 bushels across all research locations. This variety brings along great standability, ability to be planted in narrow rows and handle any yield environment.
- 2631EN, another Enlist-traited soybean shot out of the ground this year with exceptional emergence. Averaging 74.1 bushels in research locations, 2631EN is a great mid-group-two soybean that packs top end yield, consistency and stress tolerance all in one product you can’t miss out on.
- 3022XL is a great option at 3.0 maturity XtendFlex soybean. Averaging 73.5 bushels across research locations, it took over the competition moving into western Iowa and Nebraska. This great-standing line has excellent emergence, solid agronomics and is brown stem rot and stem canker resistant.
- Another 3.0 maturity soybean but with the Enlist trait platform, 3042EN had an outstanding year, averaging 77.2 bushels across research locations and beating Pioneer’s P30T99E by 2.7 bushels. This variety has it all: great emergence, sudden death syndrome protection and is stem canker resistant. An overall great product that looks to continue to be a top performer for years to come.
- 3662XL proved to be a great addition to the Champion Seed XtendFlex soybean lineup averaging 76 bushels across plots in Nebraska, Iowa and Missouri. This 3.6 maturity soybean flew out of the ground and never looked back. It comes brown stem rot and stem canker resistant as well as having sulfonylurea tolerance to fit on your acres. Another proven performer in the Champion Seed lineup.
Corn results:
- 53A21 5222EZ Duracade is a great option for corn-on-corn acres. This 103-day hybrid averaged 239.2 bushels across research locations and won the Ellsworth location at 297.3 bushels. Not only does this hybrid bring yield to the table, but it also packs a punch with agronomics, standability and handled the 2021 drought like a champ!
- 53A20 VT2ProRIB has been a standout product since its debut in 2020, averaging 238.7 in research locations. This hybrid is well balanced and can handle everything from no-till and strip- till fields, to heavy tillage and hog manure. This is another great option at the 103-day maturity.
- Moving later in maturity, 58A21 VT2ProRIB benefited from the dry, low-disease-pressure growing season. It averaged 254.6 bushels in research locations and is one that will benefit from a fungicide in high-disease-pressure years. This is a hybrid that brings solid agronomics, quick dry down and standability on those highly productive acres.
- 61A22 VT2/SSRIB is our brand new 111-day hybrid. It raced out of the gates averaging 256.2 bushels across research locations. This hybrid brings flexibility to the table, stable in variable and stress conditions and is a competitor in high-yield environments.
- 64A20 VT2/SSRIB proved its spot in the lineup this year, averaging 256.5 bushels in research locations. One of, if not the most consistent hybrid in this maturity range, it was always middle to the head of the pack in yield results. Another great product to plant.
At Champion Seed we are proud of our products, people and relationships with growers. We carefully analyze yield data every fall to make sure we are providing our growers with products that are going to work on their fields and farming practices. Visit the Champion Seed website to take a deeper dive into our products in your area and contact your local Champion dealer to talk about how these highlighted products may fit on your acres.