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Proud to be your champion seed dealer

Rolling fields with green corn mid-season

I’m Chase Stoll and I only champion the best.

I remember exactly when I started with Champion Seed. The year was 2018. Champion Seed had an absolutely stellar hybrid that year — 62A18. It performed so well, it made me want to become a Champion dealer. So that’s what I did. Ever since, I’ve continued to build on my knowledge of traits and genetics and expand my expertise in soil biology and health to deliver the highest yields for my customers. In addition to being a Champion Seed dealer, I’m also a Pivot Bio rep. I’m excited to use my combined knowledge of biologicals and seed to help my customers boost their bottom lines.

I farm in Harrison County, Missouri, and Decatur and Ringgold Counties, Iowa. I live in Lamoni, Iowa, with my wife, our two kids, three dogs, and cat.


Chase Stoll
Stoll Seed
Lamoni, Iowa


Headshot of Chase Stoll wearing a Champion Seed ball cap

Top agronomic issues in our area

Here are a few issues we saw during the 2023 growing season:

Goosenecked corn:  Wind damage resulted in corn that was “goosenecked”. If you notice this in your fields, row guidance on your corn head will make harvesting easier!

Lodged soybeans:  With early planting and dry spring conditions, we saw some lodging in higher-fertility fields, which can result in pod loss. Planting varieties that have good standability can help reduce soybean lodging.

My top picks

Top Hybrids: 62B21 Trecepta, 64A20 VT2, 65A23 VT2, 61A22 VT2, 65A24 VT2, 60A20 VT2, 61A23 AA, 62A23 VT2, 62A21 VT2, 65B23 VIP

Top Enlist Varieties: 3499EN, 374E, 4171EN

Many are planting Enlist this year, so those are the varieties I have listed above. However, if interested in XtendFlex — we’ve got those too! Contact me if you want to talk about my top picks for other traits outside of Enlist.

Let’s talk about which products may be the best for your acres. Fill out the form below or give me a call.
